cbCharge: For Automotive Shops!

Mechanic under car in auto repair shop

Our easy and fast way of processing invoices and payments between Automotive Repair Shops & Customers to guarantee payment is cbCharge! cbCharge has many benefits for businesses in the heavy-duty truck industry, including repair shops. Here are a few ways cbCharge can benefit your repair service business:

More Clientele
Small to large commercial fleets are an added opportunity for Repair Shops. However commercial fleets require longer credit payment terms and higher costs as the volume of parts and overhead increases.

cbCharge takes care of the payments and pays repair shops for your invoice in 24 hours! Repair Shops can confidently work to gain new fleet customers and more profit with added customers.

Access to Cash
Running a repair shop requires cash. To serve its clients, the repair shop needs cash to pay for parts and pay its mechanics. After service, some repair shops wait 30, 60, 90 days to receive payment on fleet accounts, and some do not receive payments at all. In the meantime, the repair shop struggles to pay overhead. cbCharge takes away the need to chase payments or extend credit. With cbCharge, your repair business will increase its cash flow and eliminate billing, credit, and collection expenses. That means more cash for your business.

Corporate Billing’s cbCharge
Corporate Billing can secure the cash you need for the services that you provide your clients. To apply now to accept cbCharge, CLICK HERE

cbCharge is also a preferred supplier for NAPA AutoCare Centers, NAPA Truck Service Centers, NAPA AUTOPRO, Meineke Car Care Centers, FSI International, PTP Shops, HDA Truck Pride, DPF Alternatives, Jasper Engines and Transmissions, and many more!

Contact Todd Woodruff to learn more! 256-584-3691 or twoodruff@corpbill.com